[SALE ONLINE] Online sale of great Bordeaux wines for the benefit of the Lazare association

Friday 11 December 2020 11:00
Sale information

Enjoy the finest vintages and give us the means to believe!
/div> These wines, donated to the Lazare association, are being sold to open a house in Bordeaux that will welcome street people and young working people, in shared flats.

These wines, donated to the Lazare association, are being sold to open a house in Bordeaux that will welcome street people and young working people, in shared flats.

100% of the sums collected are dedicated to this project.

Wine has often damaged street people: here it is a means for their liberation: thank you!
It is said that wine delights the heart of man. This wine, yours, will gladden your heart and those we will welcome.

Expert: Denis BERNARD, contact@oenovalis.fr
Sales conditions